Odd Behavior in Raccoons
If you see a raccoon that has a slow, staggering walk, it’s probably a sign that you are looking at a sick raccoon… Continue reading
Rats In Your Home
There are three types of rats that can cause problems for homeowners in Central Florida… Continue reading
Bats are Earth’s Best Friend
The world without bats would be a much different place. In fact, bats are among the most important species of animal on the planet… Continue reading
Hearing Noises up There Somewhere?
You’re hearing noises in the attic and you’re not sure what it is?… Continue reading
Wildlife Entry Points
Have you discovered an opening in your home, under your roof tiles or in your eaves…. Continue reading
Caution, Bats are a Protected Species
Did you know you cannot legally do anything to evict bats from your property right now…. Continue reading
Wildlife and The Rainy Season
June is the rainy season in Orlando and rain chances in our sub-tropical paradise are even higher than average this month…. Continue reading
Keeping Your Pets Safe From Wildlife
It might seem like a good idea to let pets interact with forest critters but it’s not…. Continue reading
Orlando Wildlife Trapping
Florida is home to a multitude of wonderful wildlife. Unfortunately, that wildlife can sometimes cause damage… Continue reading
Wildlife Intrusion Facts
We’re all fond of wildlife. Whether it’s watching squirrels chase each other through the trees… Continue reading
Hurricanes & Wildlife
Hurricane season is quickly approaching, now is the time to start preparing… Continue reading
What is Nuisance Wildlife?
As most people know there are laws that protect our precious Florida Wildlife. Nuisance wildlife is defined by… Continue reading
DIY Wildlife Removal. A Good Idea?
So, you have critters running around in your attic. You hear them scratching and clawing away at things up there. It’s a common problem we see every day… Continue reading
Wildlife Removal Technicians Wear Many Hats
The job of a professional wildlife technician is much broader than many people realize…. Continue reading
Squirrels Living in your Attic
Are you hearing strange noises coming from your attic? You might think you’re just hearing things, but chances are you’re got critters… Continue reading
Spring is the Time for Baby Raccoons!
Between January and around June Raccoons will often have their young, called kits… Continue reading
Scratching Noises?
It’s 3 a.m. and you’re awake. What the dickens is that scratching noise? Is it coming from the attic or the walls?…. Continue reading
The Amazing Bat
Bats are not rats with wings, flying mice or any other rodent. They are mammals, and they are the only mammal that can fly…. Continue reading
Understanding Rabies
Rabies is a disease that is most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Most rabies cases reported each year occur in wild animals…. Continue reading
Rats Commonly Found in Florida
There are three different types of rats commonly found in Florida. These rats can invade your home looking for food or shelter… Continue reading
Rancid Musky Odor?
What is that smell? It can be frustrating when something smells inside your home, but you are unable to find it. Often the first sign … Continue reading